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We are blessed to have wonderful teachers who strive to accurately and faithfully teach the word of God.  Click here to listen to the audio teachings that are currently available on our site.  Video teachings are coming soon ... and additional audio teachings will be added on a regular basis.

About Us

Yeshua's Love is a down-to-earth people with a story, a godly set of beliefs, and a dedicated staff whose heart is to guide and bless our congregation and community. Click here to see more.

No one in our Fellowship is satisfied to stay the same. We have a passion to learn more, grow more, worship more, pray more, witness more, connect with others more, and serve more ... because in all things, God is more.  Click here to see more.

This section has interesting articles such as "Who is Yeshua?", "God's Name And Identity", and more.  Click here to read the articles we have ... and continue to check back to see more articles that will be published in the future.




To find out about events, resources, recommended web links to other ministries and teachings, and additional information about us, take a look at these web pages.

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