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Missions:  for others in His kingdom


- The Larger Kingdom -

Our mission is to see lives transformed.  This mission extends not only to those who live in the Sarasota community, but also to the wider world through prayer and support of other ministries.  In particular, we give monthly financial support to an organization called Hands of Mercy in S’derot, Israel.


You will find a brief description of Hands of Mercy under the Missions tab.  To learn more about the meaningful and important work they do, go to their website by clicking on the link provided at the end of the brief description of their ministry on our website.


Y’hovah demonstrated His radical love for us when He gave us His only Son, Yeshua, who in turn calls us to have a radical love for others – to serve, sacrifice, and give of ourselves and our resources to bless, sustain, and encourage others with the same love we have received from God!  We praise God for all that He has given us and all that He has called us to share with others!

- Hands of Mercy -
S'derot, Israel

For a number of years, God has given us a heart for Israel and its people.  As we’ve studied the Tanak and fallen more and more in love with the Torah of our God and Messiah, our affections for Israel have increased.  We are inspired by Israel’s resilience in the midst of a very hostile Middle East.

In the summer of 2014, we began to give the entirely of our mission offerings to a very worthy ministry in S’derot, Israel.  For the last twelve years, it’s citizens have been brutally abused by over 6,000 rocket attacks that have rained down as part of radical Islam’s terrorist aggression toward the Jews.  Painfully, the traumatized, dwindling, war-front city of S’derot became a prime target of attack due to its vulnerable location just two short kilometers from the border of the violence-ridden Gaza strip.


The objective of Hands of Mercy is to provide care and support to injured Israeli Soldiers, children, and victims of terror.  Since 1992 when Hands of Mercy was formed, its leaders and volunteers have been humbling providing aid and encouragement to those in need – everything from clothes and food to home furnishings and counseling.  As the bombing increased, the Hands of Mercy team courageously decided to move its ministry from Jerusalem into the heart of S’derot in order to open a much needed family crisis assistance facility.


We are so proud to support this very worthy, responsible, and highly recommended ministry.


For more information, go to their website ...  click here

As part of the larger kingdom of God, the body of Messiah is a living organism that extends itself in a variety of ways to help people throughout the world.  In a spirit of partnership and love, Yeshua’s Love sends offerings each month to support vital ministry that is needed in other places to meet the needs of others.

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